The Eagle Magazine
Please send us your news for The Eagle magazine. Send us an update, news of your engagement or wedding, or an announcement of the arrival of your latest heir.
Wedding photos are always of interest; especially if they include several alums. Please send us your pictures in .jpg format, and be sure to identity all persons in the photo with names and years of graduation.
Alumni updates for The Eagle magazine can be sent via email.
The next edition of The Eagle is set to arrive at your door in January 2025!
Spring 2023 Edition of The Eagle- A Double Issue!
The spring 2023 double edition of The Eagle, our alumni magazine, is now available for you to read.
The Eagle Magazine
Please send us your news for The Eagle magazine. Send us an update, news of your engagement or wedding, or an announcement of the arrival of your latest heir.
Wedding photos are always of interest; especially if they include several alums. Please send us your pictures in .jpg format, and be sure to identity all persons in the photo with names and years of graduation.
"Going Green"
East Catholic High School is “Going Green!” The fall edition of The Eagle, our semi-annual alumni magazine, is now available for you to read.
As good stewards of East Catholic High School, we are working to conserve school resources and reduce waste. Publishing The Eagle electronically allows us to keep you informed and connected to what’s happening here on the “hill,” while making sure we use school resources wisely in order to bolster academic and extra-curricular programs for our current “eagles”. In addition, by utilizing an electronic format, we will be able to expand our content going forward.
We realize that electronics are not for everyone, so if you would like to receive a print version of this issue, please contact Julie Scalora in ECHS Advancement by email or (860) 649-5336, ext. 6234. (Please note, there are a limited supply of print copies available).
We ask you to please update your contact information for future correspondence and let us know what is going on in your world!

Ms. Julie Scalora
Director of Advancement
East Catholic High School
115 New State Road
Manchester, CT 06042
(860) 649-5336, ext. 6236